Jackie`s Wedding At Foxhill Manor - Broadway-Cotswolds-UK
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This is my last entry for today. Having been a guest at a friend`s wedding on Saturday, I have been recovering from partying over the weekend. All day I have been trying to catch up with what has been happening here at Sheena`s Wedding Hairstyles. With loads of catch up emails to send out, trial dates to confirm, enquiries to answer, a bride to style tomorrow, juggling the piled up house work errands as well as remembering family duties, I feel knackered. But hang on, don’t leave just yet. Can I just say that since I received some beautiful images from Rachel Jones who was Jackie`s photographer, I have been excited to share these images for a long time now?
So I am just going to let you in on the styling for this wedding through the images and the beautiful message from Jackie who got married at the beginning of this year at the panoramic Fox hill manor near Broadway. Can you believe this, Jackie on the morning after her wedding, she sent me this lovely message with an attached image of her and Jonathan on the dance floor.
So I am just going to let you in on the styling for this wedding through the images and the beautiful message from Jackie who got married at the beginning of this year at the panoramic Fox hill manor near Broadway. Can you believe this, Jackie on the morning after her wedding, she sent me this lovely message with an attached image of her and Jonathan on the dance floor.
“Hi sheena
Just to say how delighted I was with my wedding hair - perfect ! The girls looked divine - so beautiful and they felt like princesses . It was an absolute pleasure to meet you - so professional and cool x I hope you will do my girls hair in the years to come. Grateful thanks.
Jackie and Jonathan who was blown away by his bride.”
Oh! How sweet. I have to say that I think I have a great job and the best hobby ever! For me anyway! Honestly. Now I will let you enjoy the beautiful images showing the hairstyling for the day by Rachel Jones Photography. Have a nice week, XSheena.

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